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Media Management
Other Platforms
Amazon Associate Tag Management
Select a Platform
Amazon Associate Tag (Optional)
1- What is Amazon Associates Tag?

The amazon associates program allows qualified
bloggers, publishers and other content creators to earn
extra money with affiliate marketing, which is tracked
using a member’s ID number (sometimes referred to as a
preferred associates store ID).

2- Where do I find my Amazon Associates Tag (or
preferred associates store ID)?

Log into the Amazon Associates portal and go to the top
right corner of the screen, where it says Store: There
you’ll find your Amazon Associate Tag (an alpha numeric
username followed by -20 if you live in the United States. )
Short Link Management
Profile Image Setting

*Only supports JPG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG formats, and files less than 4MB


Your uploaded image will automatically generate. Please pay attention to the clarity of the image.


